Guide to Writing an Effective Mission Statement


A compelling mission statement is essential for steering a company towards its destination. It gives direction and inspires action with purpose. If you want to know how to write a mission statement, Happy HR will walk you through the key points to remember when writing your purpose, vision and values. We will also cover why and how creating a mission statement sets you up for success in the long run.

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What Is a Mission Statement?

Much like how a mast is central to a ship’s stability and direction, a well-crafted mission statement is the backbone of a company’s strategic framework. It ensures that the business remains steady and aligned with its core principles despite changing market conditions. 

A mission statement generally includes a brief but clear description of the company’s purposes and values. 

Why Do Businesses Need a Mission Statement?

Mission statements are crucial in connecting employees to the bigger purpose of their organisation. This connection to a greater goal can significantly impact their engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. Here’s how: 

Setting Clear Expectations

A well-crafted mission statement clearly outlines what the company is trying to achieve, giving employees a clear understanding of what is expected. They can see how their role fits into the larger picture and contributes to the company’s overall goals.

Motivation and Engagement

By understanding the organisation’s purpose, employees can find greater meaning and satisfaction in their work. This sense of purpose can drive motivation and boost morale, as employees feel they are working towards something meaningful.

Unified Direction 

The mission statement offers a shared purpose and direction. Everyone within the organisation is working towards the same goal, which fosters a sense of unity and collaboration. This can enhance team cohesion and cooperative efforts across the organisation.

Cultural Alignment 

Mission statements help shape the company culture by defining the core values and principles that guide the organisation. Employees can align their behaviour and attitude according to these shared values, creating a positive work environment.

By tying their daily tasks to the company’s broader goals as outlined in the mission statement, employees can see the impact of their work and feel a stronger sense of purpose and engagement with their job. 

What Are the Main Elements of a Mission Statement?

There are three critical parts of a good mission statement. When crafted well, an organisation’s purpose, vision and values give you a detailed brief of the company’s long-term goals.  


Your organisation’s purpose goes beyond making money—it should reflect the company’s aim to make a difference in the lives of its customers or the world. A clear and compelling purpose can inspire employees, attract customers, and guide strategic decisions. For example, Google aims “to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”


A compelling vision provides a clear picture of the company’s future that all employees can work towards. It also helps to inspire and motivate employees by providing a sense of direction and potential for impact. For instance, Microsoft’s vision is “to help individuals and businesses worldwide realise their full potential.”


Values are the principles or beliefs that guide a company’s actions and decisions. They answer the question, “What do we stand for?” Values define the company’s culture and ethos. They shape the behaviour of individuals within the organisation and guide how the company interacts with its stakeholders. For instance, one of Amazon’s core values is “customer obsession,” which means they start with the customer and work backwards.

A well-articulated mission statement that embodies these three elements can serve as a powerful guide and can inspire and motivate employees to contribute their best towards achieving the company’s goals. 

What Makes a Good Mission Statement?

A good mission statement is enduring, remaining relevant even as the company evolves, yet flexible enough to adapt to significant changes in the business environment. If a mission statement succinctly answers why the company exists, what it aspires to become, and the principles guiding its decisions and actions, then it’s on the right track.

You want it to be clear, compelling, and understandable, avoiding industry jargon.  

With Happy HR, ensure that all your employees have access to your mission statements and can be inspired by your overall vision for your company. 

For more information, feel free to book a demo or register yourself in for our business success blueprint course to see how Happy HR can help you organise your administration. This course is absolutely free for Happy HR users, so jump on it today!