A Guide to Upskilling Employees & Managers

If you’re thinking of initiating upskilling in the office, we’re here to tell you that you’re on the right track. In today’s digital world, acquiring new skills and refining existing ones is an important part of being in the workforce. Many businesses are now realising the importance of upskilling their workforce in order to remain competitive and stay ahead of the curve. With rapid changes in technology, companies must be able to adapt and respond quickly in order to stay on top of the market. Investing in a well-trained team is one of the most effective ways to ensure your business remains successful. But what is upskilling, and why should every office make a move towards training their employees regularly? Happy HR will cover the importance of upskilling employees and managers in this article. Happy HR is an easy-to-use HR management software that allows managers to keep track of their employees. We help you automate and organise HR processes such as onboarding, rostering, performance and policy management. Read on to learn how upskilling can tremendously improve your workforce!

What Is Upskilling & Why Is It Important?

Upskilling is defined as the act of updating an employee’s skill set with relevance to their field. This process can also include soft skills such as communication with clients, mentoring co-workers or leading a team. By organising workshops and tutorials, you can give your workforce the essential skill they need to thrive in a professional environment.    As an employer, when you offer opportunities to upskill, you will be able to retain employees and encourage a sense of belonging and loyalty in the culture. When a place of employment offers workshops of this nature, it shows that you care about developing their skills, not just for the betterment of your company but their career.   Your team will always be grateful when they are given an opportunity to learn more.

What Is the Difference Between Reskilling and Upskilling?

Reskilling and upskilling are two different methods used for training employees and managers. While upskilling hones their skills in your existing field, reskilling focuses on teaching them new skills about another domain so as to move into a different role or keep up with the demands in their existing role. Next, let’s take a look at some of the benefits that come with upskilling your workforce.

Benefits of Upskilling

Increased Productivity

Upskilling your workforce can result in an increased capacity as employees become more knowledgeable and experienced in their roles. Having a team that is highly skilled in their job means they can complete tasks faster and more efficiently, leading to higher levels of productivity across the board. This can be especially beneficial for businesses that rely heavily on technology, as these advancements often require specialised knowledge and expertise that can only be acquired through upskilling initiatives.

Enhanced Morale

Upskilling has also been proven to boost morale among employees since it provides them with an opportunity to develop their skills and become more confident in their roles. It also gives them the incentive to work harder as they know that their efforts will be rewarded with new opportunities for growth and advancement within the company. This enhanced morale can lead to improved client service, higher employee retention rates, and increased levels of collaboration between teams. Plus, investing in upskilling initiatives shows that you value your employees’ development and reward them for putting forth extra effort — something which will certainly make them feel appreciated!

Higher Profits

Finally, upskilling your workforce can potentially lead to higher profits for your business. Not only do you have a more productive team who are able to work faster and better than ever before, but you also have access to a larger pool of potential customers who may not have considered doing business with you previously due to a lack of knowledge or experience.

How to Upskill Your Employees

As a business owner or manager, you know that in order to remain competitive in today’s market, it’s important to invest in your employees and give them the resources they need to develop and grow. Here’s how you can build an effective strategy for your workforce:

Analyse Your Needs

The first step in developing your upskilling strategy is to analyse the needs of your business. Ask yourself the following questions: 
  • What skills do your team need? 
  • What skills do you already have? 
  • How does the skill set of each team member match up with what is needed? 
These answers will help you in the next step. Taking a close look at what skills are necessary for success and what gaps exist between current and desired abilities can help you create a plan for improving those skills through appropriate workshops and talks.

Set Goals and Objectives

Once you’ve figured out areas of opportunity, it’s time to set goals and objectives for each employee’s upskilling journey. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). You should also ensure that the goals are clearly communicated so that everyone knows exactly what is expected of them throughout their upskilling journey.

Choose Your Programs

Once you have identified specific goals and areas where training is necessary, it’s time to choose the programs that will best meet these needs. If possible, ask your team members which learning methods they prefer; some would rather have in-person tutoring, while others may enjoy online courses or self-directed learning. Once you’ve chosen the right program for each skill area, you can move forward with implementing it within your organisation.

Reward Successful Up-Skilling

Remember that upskilling requires investment from both sides — not only are you investing money into employee training programs, but your employees are also investing their own time and energy into learning new skills. To encourage them further, be sure to recognize and reward the successful completion of training programs and any advancements made during the process. Such rewards could be anything from covering tuition costs or providing bonuses for completing courses to offering additional incentives such as flexible scheduling or extra PTO days when milestones are met.    While all this is key, creating a supportive environment is essential for helping employees reach their goals. Achieving this means providing them with individual access to the resources they need — such as online courses, mentorships or workshops — and offering encouragement and support throughout the process. If you are looking for a way to streamline HR processes, Happy HR is an effective tool that helps track and manage employee performance. For more information, feel free to get in touch with our friendly customer service professionals or book a demo today!